Monday, May 26, 2008

Middle name

Henry needs a middle name, vote on the right or leave suggestions in the comments. We are moving this week so I think this will be the last post for a while. Love ya'll


Eva Jane said...

I love the name Henry. I voted for Williams...the family name choice of course. Tell him to hurry and get here, I want to squish on him.

Julia Harps said...

williams is good and what about O'ron? I think it's cool Henry O'ron Hirt.

momhirt said...

I like the sound of "Williams". It is different enough with the "s" on the end, but sounds good with Henry. O'Ron has a capital "R". That's not a bad choice either. Even Henry Nelson Hirt wouldn't be bad.

momhirt said...

ps don't forget to send your new address for an updated family roster. i haven't posted Nephi's new address either, so it would be good for me to update everything.

Katie said...

I like Henry O'Ron or Henry Williams............but I voted for Williams....

I LIKE HENRY cute. Little Henry. mmmm...can't wait till Christmas to squish on him.

erin wilson said...


Jennifer said...

I guess we need some representation from Kim's side. I just have say that there isn't anything cuter than Henry Dean. It's perfect.