Monday, June 16, 2008

Check it out...

A friend emailed me and said that Sammy and Luke's "brother gets hit in face with bat" video is on the homepage of


nephi said...

i knew they'd be famous. turns out that video is all over the net. aol video has multiple copies of it posted. you should change the name to "Toy Bat Vs Baby Brother" for consistency. you're gonna be rich!

Sam Hirt said...

actually, one of the websites that has it postd is going to give us $300. not bad

Julia Harps said...

no way!! that is halarious. I couldn't find it though. I am the aunt to famous nephews.

Katie said...

you have to click on "more videos" and it comes up........ just don't read the comments, some of them will make you sick!

Good job Sam! Exploiting your kids to get rich. So next you give them a hot iron or an anvil and see what they come up with?

annie said...

that's hilarious!! First you get your masters and then you get paid for your children beating each other up. You're really moving in life.