Thursday, June 12, 2008

I passed

My oral examination and defense went well. There were definitely more than a few questions that I fumbled my way through, but in the end they signed the paper and said congratulations, so I am now a master of science and will be working on my PhD soon. Just one more degree. This was the shortest amount of time spent on a degree besides junior high (I don't know if you count that), but it was definitely the most fun and I learned a lot. Thanks for your endless support.


Julia Harps said...

yahoo! congrats. i love you.

KQ said...

Yay for you!! It was probably due to the bat hunting with Travis :) Ok maybe you deserve *a little* credit! How's the new house?

nephi said...

congratulations! but my support is not endless. you have until november of 2012 and then country comes first.

annie said...

amazing! what a milestone! and one more to go. we are all proud to know you....but we'll vote for you, Nephi, don't worry! love, mom from annie's computer

Unknown said...

YEAH SAM!!! You're awesome. just making up for all the degrees your siblings didn't get huh?! You're my hero

annie said...

You are so AWESOME!! Congratulations. I'm so PROUD of you! CONGRATS to Kim too for helping you through! You are now the smartest member of the family!!

Katie said...

dununununununununu BATMAN..

congrats Sam, lots of amazing hard work amidst raising an amazing family at the same time. You're a good example

Anonymous said...

Congrats hommie G skillet...I wish i was as smart as you...MR PHD in no time. When are you going to quit school and get a real life?? I guess you got the smarts and i got all the bball skills!!! BUYA!!! HAHHAHAHAHA

Scotty Dixon