Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Bad News

So I have been sick for the last couple of weeks since spring break and I don't know what is wrong with me. I hate going to the doctor so I finally went today because my nose is all white and puffy. So they did a bunch of tests for hours and hours and gave me some pain medication and asked me hundreds of questions about the dpeth of my research and finally started telling me what they think is happening. Apparantley the bats that I had been working with on my trip had a new disease that has been killing bats in the New York, see article http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/25/science/25bats.html. They don't know exactly what it will do to me, but I am the first known case to have transmitted this same disease in humans. I am feeling fine and I am not worried, apparently they can treat the side affects even though they don't know what the cause is, but that by studying me they will probably have a better idea of how to save the bats. I thought that is cool that I could be part of research that may help bats rather than them being the subjects themselves. Anyway, I don't want anyone to get worried because they said by tomorrow it will probably all clear up anyway, I mean it is April 1, 2008, it is amazing what they can do with science these days. HAHAHA!


Sam Hirt said...

April Fool's

Katie said...

duh nun unununununununa BATMAN.....

Please let us know if your incisors start to sharpen and poke out more than usual.

Julia Harps said...

where are the pictures? I want the gory stuff. Oh ya and I hope you don't die from it. he he

kim said...

Thanks Kikka :) I love the Kimikka loyalty

Kate said...

I totally believed you. I think you are going to die now for that...offense intended.